From the very start I want to thank the Mechanical Alchemist - (aka Pigskin) and the Mechanical Alchemist's Apprentice for their time, patience and for the space taken up in the Workshop of Wonders.


Mine....all mine..........

Again, no work on the bike this week, there'll be a concerted push to road worthiness starting in a weeks time.
Here's a photo of the brass booty collected at the Autojumble last week. Bet every body's jealous now. 

I'll update the blog on my struggle against the system as and when. VICTORY WILL BE MINE!

Just to cheer up the visuals this week, a couple of pilfered photos from other web sources.


Miss this and regret at leisure

Here is a chance to meet the Rag and Bone Man, view his engineering inspired design and buy a piece of heritage.

1984 and cold sweats

This bloody interfering, nosey, stifling, straight laced, pompous nation state in which I have the misfortune live, is starting to piss me off. I'd rather have some droogs pop round my gaff for a glass of miloko than some government lackey in his bowler poking the ferrule of his umbrella into my project. I knew that brown envelope spelled trouble even though I didn't open it for a few weeks. There was a clue printed all over the front - DVLA. They want me to take the bloody bike all the way to Chelmsford in Essex, on a weekday, and charge me £25 for the privilege. All this to "clarify an error in their records". I know what the error is...............................


Fumbling for the spark.....

7th September (last Wednesday). 
Another attempt at firing on both cylinders. Still no luck! Both plugs spark but not when they are both in contact with the block. Think I need some expert advice now. Anybody?
Quite pleased how the shape is developing, pictured here without the brass headlamp or taillight. A very natty idea for the kick stand agreed (not pictured) all thanks to the Alchemist. Showing off some tatty wiring as well.

Beaulieu or bust

Made it to the Beaulieu Autojumble Saturday. After a speedy drive down to the South coast, Paul and I hit the six mile tailback just to get into the car park. Two hours in the queue and we finally got parked up.
Straight to the far field and worked our way through the stalls one by one and systematically by rows. Four cylinder heads, three vintage ratchet car jacks and hand fulls of window winders later the arms finally failed. Time for a big cardboard box taped onto a sack barrow. Then it became serious. Flywheels, spring suspensions a gearbox and all sorts of vintage junk. Two days there and you could build a bastard jalopy the likes of which the world has never seen. Found my brass headlamp and taillight, not sure about the mirror I bought though. Inspiration wherever you looked, interesting and crazy items on every stall. Fields upon fields of them. No wonder people flock there from all over Europe. What a mechanical garden of Eden! 
The vintage bikes for sale were superb and well beyond my means. It didn't stop me from speculating how a second mortgage could be swindled. Didn't get a chance to photograph every jewel of two wheel engineering but here are just a few that took my fancy. There were so, so many more........


The Duke

Let nobody tell you a Honda ain't good enough!


Never mind the Bollocks

No posts last week. Body is telling me to take it easy so no work on the bike this week.
Time to contemplate the limits of this mortal coil. Have come to the conclusion that the only way to make a break for freedom is to lose the shackles of experience, listen to those half your age and re-invent the spirit of your youth.
Chasing the elusive filthy lucre all your life dilutes the soul. I'm not against a monetarist system, hell, I like buying clothes when I can afford them, but I don't want to jump through hoops for a buck.
You don't have to live on the open road to escape, shedding the confines of social norms can add vigor to life.
To hell with this bollocks, here's some pics I've stolen from ZZ chop of some wild souls with fire in their eyes.