From the very start I want to thank the Mechanical Alchemist - (aka Pigskin) and the Mechanical Alchemist's Apprentice for their time, patience and for the space taken up in the Workshop of Wonders.


Congratulations and celebrations

Catching up with a post that should have been written ages ago. How I enjoy congratulating friends on their achievements. Especially when it is so well deserved.

So, the first is to The Rag and Bone Man. A sellout stand at London Tent, part of the London Design Festival. Don't say that I didn't warn you. Look at the post with a big blue banner. Now it's all sold out, and Paul has a waiting list as long as his arm for commission work. I've nicked this image from his site, hope that's all right with you Paul. Cheers. (Photography by Stuart York)

It's not too late to acquire another an exceptional artist's work. Well it is if you wanted a print of "Out of the Dark" byBrigitte Williams showing at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Sellout again! An edition of 75 prints, also flew out of the door before the end of the show. Hope is not lost. "Out of the Dark II", an addition of 100 with real gold leaf is in print but going fast at a new show. Proud to work with you Brigitte.
(I'm terrible at using images without permission. Please forgive)

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