From the very start I want to thank the Mechanical Alchemist - (aka Pigskin) and the Mechanical Alchemist's Apprentice for their time, patience and for the space taken up in the Workshop of Wonders.


"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." attributed to Da Vinci

I spent a glorious spring like afternoon looking at the London skyline, watching aeroplanes crossing the sky and walking around galleries in a rhapsodic state. Partly due to some of the artwork but mostly because of the company. 
Tongue tied as usual.
Thank you.

Art is a substitute for acting and living. If life is the willful expression of emotion, art is the intellectual expression of that same emotion. Whatever we don't have, don't attempt or don't achieve can be possessed through dreams, and these are what we use to make art. At other times our emotion is so strong that, although reduced to action, this action doesn't completely satisfy it; the leftover emotion, unexpressed in life, is used to produce the work of art. There are thus two types of artists: the one who expresses what he doesn't have, and the one who expresses the surplus of what he did have.
Fernando Pessoa 
The Book of Disquiet

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