From the very start I want to thank the Mechanical Alchemist - (aka Pigskin) and the Mechanical Alchemist's Apprentice for their time, patience and for the space taken up in the Workshop of Wonders.


Patience and Humility

Made a pilgrimage to the British Museum to visit the Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman. Accompanied by a friend. My first beatific experience of the year even though I was tongue tied most of the afternoon.
It was an exhibition that due to the exhilarating and inspiring content, is best viewed with a like minded friend. However, visit the show, even if you have to go alone. 
The most photographed motorbike of the moment greets you at the entrance and from then on, it is a honeycomb of humour, warmth, skill, pithy comment and incisive observation. 
Above all, there is an honesty which nullifies the dichotomy of famous artist in the same glass case as unknown craftsman.
Unfortunately the catalogue is abysmal!
Photography was not allowed inside the gallery. I'll take a trip back with a spy camera, the commentary text alone should be saved for recall.
Patience and humility, what better nouns in the English language?
So, here are my snaps of the extraordinary Kenilworth. 

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