From the very start I want to thank the Mechanical Alchemist - (aka Pigskin) and the Mechanical Alchemist's Apprentice for their time, patience and for the space taken up in the Workshop of Wonders.


Phi and the Golden Section

From a different perspective.The more I looked, the more I saw, the more I discovered. 
The Third Eye - a new photograph of Brigitte's egg. Click here for the link 

I see Phi!

Robert Fludd's description of perception

M10 ThetaPhi

The ratio of Phi

The Golden Section


Universe, your harmony is my harmony: nothing in your good time is too early or too late for me... Marcus Aurelius - Meditations - Book 4.23

Life in the hive puckered up my night,
the kiss of death, the embrace of life.
There I stand neath the Marquee Moon
Just waiting,
I ain't waiting
I spoke to a man down at the tracks.
I asked him how he don't go mad.
He said "Look here junior, don't you be so happy. 
And for Heaven's sake, don't you be so sad."

Marquee Moon
Tom Verlaine

Bom-ma-bom, a-bom-bom-a-bom, ba-ba-bom-bom-a-bomp,
b-dang-a-dang-dang, b-ding-a-dong-ding. 
Blue moon, blue moon, blue moon,
Blue moon, blue moon, blue moon,
Dip-de-dip-de-dip.Blue moon, blue moon, 
blue moon,Dip-de-dip-de-dip.Bom-ma-bom, a-bom-bom-a-bom, ba-ba-bom
bom-a-bomp,b-dang-a-dang-dang, b-ding-a-dong-ding.
Blue Moon
The Marcels

Fortuitous phantoms in the sky



A return to the cooler

A chill at the weekend had me staring into our wood burner that had ambitions of becoming a steel furnace. 
Suddenly, a cataclysmic vision appeared behind the glass in the style of John Martin.

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." attributed to Da Vinci

I spent a glorious spring like afternoon looking at the London skyline, watching aeroplanes crossing the sky and walking around galleries in a rhapsodic state. Partly due to some of the artwork but mostly because of the company. 
Tongue tied as usual.
Thank you.

Art is a substitute for acting and living. If life is the willful expression of emotion, art is the intellectual expression of that same emotion. Whatever we don't have, don't attempt or don't achieve can be possessed through dreams, and these are what we use to make art. At other times our emotion is so strong that, although reduced to action, this action doesn't completely satisfy it; the leftover emotion, unexpressed in life, is used to produce the work of art. There are thus two types of artists: the one who expresses what he doesn't have, and the one who expresses the surplus of what he did have.
Fernando Pessoa 
The Book of Disquiet

"Society based on production is only productive, not creative." Albert Camus

There is no argument here. When our society is governed by nudniks, when burecratic suits hide in their offices and dictate their concept of freedom, how can the colour in this world be prevented from fading to grey? 
I don't think any more needs to be said by me. 
Read on and please sign the petition.

Reject EU (Motorcycle) 'Anti-tampering' legislation, this included Art 18 & 52, that will prevent owners customising their bikes and/or using after market parts.

Responsible department: Department for Transport
This will automatically become UK law soon and it means that bikers will not be able to customise their bikes in anyway or use cheaper (still safe & approved) 'after market' parts making it too expensive for the average rider – None of these directions make any sense at all and will not improve safety in anyway; just line the pockets of the large foreign bike manufactures.
Bikers wil be singled out by the police and stopped and emissions checked; this is discriminatory.
They also propose to ban filtering through traffic, which would be dangerous for air-cooled machines that could blow up in traffic and is the extreme of nanny state interference.
Banning of motorcycles over 7yrs old in Urban areas.
Clearly the EU intent to eradicate ALL motorcycles in the future and this is the thin end of the wedge...nanny state at its worst and it must be stopped right now!
This EU legislation must be rejected by the UK government ."
(You must be a British citizen or normally live in the UK to create or sign this e-petition)



It happened as I was searching for essays on Le Jetee.
Meandering around the web I glimpsed a large fraction of my memory that had all but evaporated. 
Suddenly a belief system that defies the ordinary, celebrates abstinence from abstinence and teaches that Slack is all, flooded back into my world view. 
First lesson. If you can learn how to pull the wool over your own eyes far enough to believe in your own abnormality, then the world will not even question your sincerity. The CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS relieves you of all doubts about your own sanity. For a small donation, the Church will give you absolutley nothing.
With its motto of "Fuck Them If They Can't Take A Joke" your mental freedom is just around the corner should you choose to follow this "inherently contradictory religion".
I was first introduced to the mind altering cult by the first truly creative artist I ever encountered. Around 1989 David Fryer was the Slackest of all. I haven't spoken to him for some years now and I doubt he will have time for me. By now he'll be a SubGenius Elder of Slack, or would have renounced the faith altogether. I am, however, going to search him out and thank him for my indoctrination. 
It's not hard to comprehend just how deep the Church penetrated into my psyche. My pathetic attempts at financial gain, my distrust of authority figures, authority figure-heads, authority figurines, my distaste at corporate directors and making every level of banker my sworn enemy is a direct influence of the SubGenuis.
Strange how I could just forget my doctrinal cult influence. I'm starting to smell global conspiratorial deprogrammers at work!
Long live J.R. "Bob" Dobbs if he ever did.

Should you require more gentle persuasion this is probably your starting point.

Renewed optimism

Stacking the wood for next winters fuel comes very high on my list of meditative occupations. A herald of spring. Even better when the sun is shining and all is well in the "Village of Lost Souls". Two tonnes arrived on Saturday morning. Not dry enough to burn but will season over summer. It is a rural form of Tetris in three dimensions. The edge is that if you get it wrong, it falls on you, and that hurts, I know.
I capped off with a raw sienna sentiment made of lime wood, to whom it may concern.


Wired and confused

Spent Friday touching copper wires together. Deeply unsatisfactory results manifested. I have followed the Haynes manual diagram as best I could. The stop light has no incentive to start nor are the indicators indicating any sign of life.
The battery housing looks fabulous thanks to to the Alchemist's expert polishing. 
Next on the list is to line the tank and gloss the paint.
Once the electrics are sorted, the timing gets my attention.
Front fender needed to get through the MOT.
Does anybody out there know were I can get a chrome front hugger in the UK?
Here are a couple of snaps of the progress.

"Nothing is enough for the man whom enough is too little" Epicurus

Brigitte Williams was invited to produce an artwork for the Big Egg Hunt. Along with 200 artist's, designer's, architect's and jeweller's eggs it has been placed in public thoroughfares around London. 
Bidding has started.
Brigitte has constructed "Zero is ..." as a translation of her artwork "Out of the Dark" into three dimensions. 
It reads as a poetic and contemplative voyage into nothingness. 
The egg sits on its plinth, reminding me of a Tibetan prayer wheel inviting circumambulation.
Situated in victorian Leadenhall market within the Square Mile it is a fitting reminder that greater concepts other than hedge funds exist.

The Germ within the Cosmic Egg takes unto itself Form. The Flame is re-kindled. Time begins. A Thing exists. Action begins. The Pairs of Opposites spring into being. The World Soul is born, and awakens into manifestation. The first rays of the new Cosmic Day break over the horizon.
The Second Aphorism
Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians

Oliver Herford

See Brigitte's website for other news on Open West.
You never fail to inspire Brigitte. Thank you.